Chemical Effects of Electric Current NCERT Summary Class VIII Science Chapter 14

Good Conductor
The substance through which electricity can pass is called good conductor. 
Examples - Copper, Aluminum

Poor conductor
The substance through which electricity can not pass is called poor conductor.
Examples- Rubber, plastic etc. 

A device that test conductance of a substance, is called tester. 

Solutions of acids, bases and salts are generally good conductor. 

Chemical effects of Current
Chemical reactions (effects) caused when electricity passes through a conducting liquid, is chemical effects of current. 

How to recognize chemical reaction
- Release of gas
- Change of colour of solution
- Release of heat
- Formation of new substance

In battery
No. of terminals- 2(positive and negative) 
Positive terminal is also called Anode
Negative terminal is also called cathode
Solution  is called electrolyte
Passing current through a solution
What happens when electricity is passed through copper sulphate solution
What happens when electricity is passed through copper sulphate
Blue line shows transfer of copper

The process of depositing a layer of any desired metal on another material by means of electricity, is called electroplating. 
Plating by means of electricity. 

Importance of electroplating
- Chromium plating on car parts, bath taps, kitchen gas etc
- Silver and gold plating on less expensive metals to make jewellery. 
- Tin plating on iron to make tin cans. 
- Zinc plating on iron used in bridges and automobiles. 

Chromium plating is done because
- Chromium has shiny appearance. 
- Chromium doesn't corrode. 
- However, chromium is expensive. It may not be economical to make the whole object out of chromium. 

Tin plating on iron is done because
- It doesn't corrode. 
- Food doesn't come in contact with iron. Food doesn't get spoilt. 

Zinc is coated over iron because
- Zinc protect iron from corrosion. 
- Iron article doesn't get damaged. 


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