Weather, Climate and Adaptation of Animals to Climate NCERT Science Class 7 Chapter 7 Summary

Temperature, rainfall, humidity, wind speed etc., of a place at a time is weather of that place. 

Elements of weather
Wind speed etc. 

The weather of a place changes day after day and week after week. 

Maximum-Minimum thermometer
Thermometer used to measure temperature of atmosphere, is called maximum-minimum thermometer. 

The maximum temperature of the day - in afternoon. 
The minimum temperature of the day- in early morning. 

All changes in the weather are caused by the sun. 

The average weather pattern taken over a long time is called climate of the place. 

Types of climate
Hot and dry 
Hot and wet
Cold and dry 
Cold and wet

Change in organism to cope changing environment, is called adaptation. 

Polar regions
These regions are covered with snow. 
Climate- Very cold. 
Day- 6months, Night-6months 
Temperature- as low as -37°C.
Animals present- Polar bear, penguin etc. 

Adaptation of polar bear 
(i) Two thick layers of fur - Keep body warm. 
(ii) A layer of fat under skin - insulate body, keep body warm. 
(iii) Long curved and sharp claws- help to walk 
(iv) Strong sense of smell - help to locate and catch prey. 
(v) White fur- Predator and prey unable to see it. 

Tropical Rainforest
Location- Around the equator
Climate- Hot and humid 
Supporting climate ---> Large number and variety of animals ---> Intense competition for food and shelter 

Adaptation of red-eyed frog 
Sticky pads on feet - help to climb trees 

Adaptation of monkeys 
Long tail - grasp branch

Adaptation of Toucan
Long large beak - reach fruits on branches 

Adaptation of Big cats 
Thick skin
Sensitive hearing

Adaptation of Lion tailed macaque 
Silver white mane - threaten predator

Adaptation of elephant
Trunk- smell food, pick up food
Tusk- tear bark of trees 
Large ears - listen soft sounds, body cooler 


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