Reproduction in Animals NCERT Science Class 8 Chapter 9 Summary Note

Reproduction in Animals
     Reproduction (Re+Production)
Production of living being of own kind, is called reproduction.
     Importance of reproduction
Reproduction ensures continuation of similar kinds of individuals, generation after generation.
     Modes of reproduction
(a) Asexual  reproduction
(b) Sexual reproduction
         Sexual reproductio
      Mode of reproduction where
              -Two parents are involved.
              -Formation of gametes takes place.
             -Fusion of male and female gamete takes place,
       Is called sexual reproduction.
       Asexual reproduction
 Mode of reproduction where
              -Single parent is involved.
              -Formation of gametes do not takes place.
              -Fusion of male and female gamete do not takes place,
          Is called asexual reproduction.
            Male reproductive organs-
It consists of – a pair of testes
                          Two sperm ducts
                         A penis
            Testes produces millions of sperms.
             Sperm- Male gamete
            -Very small in size.
            -Each sperm is a single cell.
          - Each has a head, a middle piece and a tail.
              Female reproductive organs
             It consists of – a pair of ovaries
                                    -A pair of oviducts/fallopian tubes
                                    - a uterus
          Ovary produces single mature egg every months.
          Egg/ova- Female gamete
                  -Each egg is a single cell.
    Part where development of baby takes place, is called uterus.
   The process of fusion of male and female gamete to form zygote is called fertilization.
    Sperm(male gamete) + Egg(female gamete) --à Zygote
    it takes place in oviduct.
                Zygote is the beginning of new individual.
          Types of fertilization
    (a) External fertilization
    (b) Internal fertilization
           External fertilization
     Fusion of male and female gametes takes place outside female body.
      More number of eggs are produced.
      It takes place in aquatic animals.
     Zygote survival chance – less.
                Internal fertilization
    Fusion of male and female gametes take place inside female body.
    Only one egg per month is produced.
   It takes place in terrestrial animals.
    Zygote survival chance – more.
         Zygote -à Embryo à Foetus à Baby.
               Embryo- Zygote developes into embryo.
               Foetus – Stage of the embryo in which all the body parts can be identified.
   The animals which give birth to young ones are called viviparous.
    Example- Human.
   The animals which lay eggs are called oviparous.
    Example- Hen.
   The transformation of the larva into adult through drastic changes, is called metamorphosis.
    Larva ----à Adult (Metamorphosis)
          Asexual reproduction
    (b)Binary fission
                Budding- Development of new individuals from bud or bulge.
         Binary fission – An animal reproduces by dividing into two individuals.
                 Dolly- First cloned mammal.


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