
Showing posts with the label Class VII

Fibre to Fabric NCERT CBSE Class 7 Science Chapter 3 Summary Note

Fibre to Fabric * Fibre -  Very thin thread.              - Thread is prepared from it.              - Examples- Cotton, wool etc., * Fleece- Hair on body of animals is called                   fleece.               - It keeps body of animals warm. * Role of fleece                  - Fleece traps air in it.                  - Air is poor conductor of heat.                 - Air doesn't allow heat to lose out.           Hence, body of animals remain warm. * Types of fibres -       (a) Natural fibres- Cotton, Jute, Silk, Wool.       (b) Synthetic or Artificial fibre- Rayon,                                                    tericot, Nylon etc., * Types of natural fibres -      (a) Plant fibre- Cotton, Jute      (b) Animal fibre- Silk, Wool. * Selective breeding-        Selection of parents to get special      characters in offspring, is called       selective breeding. * Rearing -        The practice of giving shelter, food and       medical care to

Fibre to Fabric NCERT CBSE CLASS 7 Science Online Test/Quiz

Fibre to Fabric  NCERT CBSE Class 7 Online Test/Quiz for Fibre to Fabric  Online test for "fibre to fabric" consists of ten questions, all having four alternatives. You have to choose the correct option. After attempting all questions, enter your name, class, roll no and email id. Email id is asked because through that results will be share to you.  And at last don't forget to submit your answers. After submission you can see your results too.  Enjoy taking test.  Topic- Fibre to Fabric NCERT CBSE Science Class 7 Loading…

Nutrition in Plants NCERT CBSE Class 7 Chapter 1 Summary Note

Nutrition in Plants NCERT CBSE Class 7 Chapter 1 Summary Note                    Nutrition in Plants  *Nutrition     -Intake of foods and its utilisation by our        body.  *Mode of nutrition              (a)Autotrophic nutrition              (b)Heterotrophic nutrition *Autotrophic nutrition     -Mode of nutrition where organism prepare       its food themselves.      -(Auto- Self, trophic- Nourishment)  *Heterotrophic nutrition     -Mode of nutrition where organism depend       on other for food.      -(Hetero- other, trophic- nourishment)  *Photosynthesis     - Preparation of food by green plants.      - Use CO2 and water.      - Prepare in presence of sunlight and        chlorophyll.  - Carbon dioxide+Water  -------->                                             Carbohydrates   +  Oxygen *Stomata    -Tiny pores present on surface of leaf.     - It helps in                      - Transpiration (removal of water 

Nutrition in Animals NCERT CBSE Class 7 Chapter 2 Exercise solution

NCERT CBSE Class 7 Chapter 2 Exercise Solution Nutrition in Animals  NCERT Class VII Chapter-2 1. Fill in the blanks: (a) The main steps of nutrition in humans are __________, __________,__________, _________ and __________. Answer- Ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation, egestion.  (b) The largest gland in the human body is __________. Answer- liver.  (c) The stomach releases hydrochloric acid and ___________ juices which act on food. Answer- gastric (d) The inner wall of the small intestine has many finger-like outgrowths called _________. Answer- Villi.  (e) Amoeba digests its food in the ____________ . Answer- Food vacuole.  2. Mark ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if it is false: (a) Digestion of starch starts in the stomach. (T/F) Answer- F Correct statement- Digestion of starch starts in the mouth.  (b) The tongue helps in mixing food with saliva. (T/F) Answer- T (c) The gall bladder temporarily stores bile. (T/F) Ans