
Showing posts with the label Fibre to Fabric

Fibre to Fabric NCERT CBSE Class 7 Science Chapter 3 Summary Note

Fibre to Fabric * Fibre -  Very thin thread.              - Thread is prepared from it.              - Examples- Cotton, wool etc., * Fleece- Hair on body of animals is called                   fleece.               - It keeps body of animals warm. * Role of fleece                  - Fleece traps air in it.                  - Air is poor conductor of heat.                 - Air doesn't allow heat to lose out.           Hence, body of animals remain warm. * Types of fibres -       (a) Natural fibres- Cotton, Jute, Silk, Wool.       (b) Synthetic or Artificial fibre- Rayon,                                                    tericot, Nylon etc., * Types of natural fibres -      (a) Plant fibre- Cotton, Jute      (b) Animal fibre- Silk, Wool. * Selective breeding-        Selection of parents to get special      characters in offspring, is called       selective breeding. * Rearing -        The practice of giving shelter, food and       medical care to